above: My Aanas and Attatas (Great-Uncles and Great-Aunts) Top L to R: Daniel Akootchook, Perry Akootchook, Isaac Akootchook, Thomas Akootchook, Roy Akootchook. Bottom L to R: Rhoda Nageak (my biological grandmother), Mildred Rexford (my grandmother), Elizabeth Frantz and George Akootchook
performance of taigruaq - as part of ALL IN at the Portland Institute of Contemporary Art Time Based Art Festival 2022 - with collaborator Aqqalu Berthlesen
aulayaiqsimarugut - at Out North in Anchorage, Alaska as part of their Fringe Festival 2022
above: Time-lapse photography of Unipkaaġusiksuġuvik (the place of the future/ancient) at the Anchorage Museum in October and November of 2016.
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